free public charter school


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Encore is Actively monitoring air quality – no final decision has been made about tomorrow’s school schedules.

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Are you passionate about improving our school and shaping its future? We need YOU on our School Site Council! Whether you’re a parent, student, teacher, or community member, your voice matters.

Chromebook Insurance Now Available

We are happy to announce that Chromebook Insurance Coverage is now available. To sign up go toΒ and create an account.


Notice of Air Quality due to Fires.

September 11th, 2024

We have been monitoring EPA and AQMD air quality data. Currently with the air quality in the moderate range, we will be open tomorrow 9/12, But we will also support each family’s decision to either stay home and/or bring your student’s to school. We will limit outdoor activities. If air quality changes to make school closure a necessity, we will make further announcement.