Chromebook Insurance Now Available

We are happy to announce that Chromebook Insurance Coverage is now available. To sign up go to and create an account. Once an account is made you will have the ability to purchase insurance for a one time fee of $28.00 that will cover any damage, loss, or theft for the duration of the school year. Should anything happen to the device, you can log in and file a claim for the device. Once a claim is filed, your student can visit the IT Department in D6, to pick up a replacement Chromebook while your device is being repaired.

Note: Theft requires either a police report to be filed in order for this type of claim to be processed. 

If you have any questions regarding the insurance coverage or if you need assistance signing up feel free to reply to this email or email

Encore HS – CB Insurance English Flyer SY24-25

Encore HS – CB Insurance Spanish Flyer SY24-25

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