We are happy to announce that Chromebook Insurance Coverage is now available. Learn More



There are many opportunities during the school year for parents and caregivers to volunteer at school, during field lessons, and during trips. We do need some parent/caregiver volunteers between the hours of 8.00 – 8.40 a.m. and during lunch time 11.30 a.m. – 12.45 p.m. to help with student supervision and monitoring. Please contact Dr. Adriaan or Mrs. Grant if you would like to volunteer.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

In order to ensure that Encore receives maximum parent input, parents are invited to become active members of PAC and attend the quarterly PAC meetings. This advisory council will meet to discuss and learn about various workings of Encore and provide support for areas of improvement. Our vision is that the advantage of having a PAC in our school will give more parents the opportunity to be involved with ideas and ways of improving our school community.

English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC)

This council is open to parents/guardians and caregivers of English Language Learners.
The purpose of the ELAC is to promote and support the success of ELs. ELACs are intended by law to advise the district and schools regarding matters that impact English learners including language acquisition programs, educational opportunities for ELs, and improvement plans as they relate to ELs.

What does ELAC Do?
  • Advocates for English Learners in our school
  • Guides and informs school leaders
  • Share information with other parents of English Learners